he installation takes the form of a waiting room—or perhaps a consultation room—that has been invaded by a maelstrom of cascading abstract shapes. The shapes hover over and around the furniture, rendering them nonfunctional. The group of shapes is a three-dimensional model of the (artist’s? …viewer’s?) unconscious, a landscape of free-floating forms and references from a personal and cultural history, an extension of the collective unconscious. The project essay for this work has been authored by the Tehran-based psychoanalyst Gohar Homayounpour.


Documentation: Installation view and details at IAC Villeurbanne


Free Association

Terence Gower, 2014

Enamel-coated aluminium, stainless steel hardware, furniture

450 x 500 x 600 cm overall


Exhibited at Institut d’Art Contemporain Villeurbanne, Lyon in the exhibition RIDEAUX / blinds

Curator: Marie de Brugerolle


Project Essay by Gohar Homayounpour


Link: Institut d’Art Contemporain Villeurbanne