This series of comic-book spreads tells a collection of true stories gathered from the New York art scene in the 1990s. The work analyzes the mutability of value of a commodity—art—that moves through a commercial system where the scales of use-value that characterize other commodities do not apply. An artwork’s ambiguous use-value leaves it open to unstructured speculation as it moves from the studio to the gallery to the collection. These ambiguous zones of the market make up the terrain of the Crime Stories.
Documentation: Assistance, Competition, The Critic, The Gallery, Benefits
Crime Stories
Terence Gower, 1996
Eight photomechanical transfers on PMT paper in cloth-bound portfolio
45 x 60 cm each
Printed by Matthew Engers, Brooklyn
Terence Gower, 1996
Adhesive vinyl
7 x 6 M overall
Installation at Silverstein Gallery, New York