This installation is made up of the cedar-and-brass sculpture Baghdad Screen, ten vitrines filled with documentation, models and photographs, and four groupings of modern furniture. Baghdad Case Study was installed at Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin and layered the history of the exhibition site—a congress hall given to the people of Berlin by the United States in 1957—with the installation’s subject: the US embassy complex designed by Jose Luis Sert for Baghdad in 1960. Both sites were built by branches of the State Department during the Cold War, but each were built with subtly differing ideological agendas.
Documentation: Installation at Haus der Kulturen der Welt; Views of US Embassy at Baghdad, Jose Luis Sert
Terence Gower, 2012
Brass, cedar, plywood, furniture, showcases, photographs, journals, digital prints, models
Approximately 6 x 24 x 6 M overall
Graphic Design: Vincent Schneider and Nora Cristea
Sculpture Fabrication: Christian Werner @ Scopulus
Production Supervisor: Vu Huang
Drawings: Alexandra Kiss and Laila Seewang
Digital Imaging: Stephen Gross
Research Assistant: Kate Donovan and Marie Pineau
Research Advisors: Jane Loeffler and Sandy Isenstadt
Installation Photography: Affolter-Eugster
Baghdad Embassy Photography: Louis Reens
Archive: Harvard Graduate School of Design
Project Text: Baghdad Case Study
Project Text: Vitrine Introductions