One in an on­go­ing se­ries of pavil­ions based on iconic mod­ern ex­hi­bi­tion pavil­ions, the Pro­jec­tion Pavil­ion was built as the cen­ter­piece of the 2005 ex­hi­bi­tion Ciu­dad Mod­erna at Lab­o­ra­to­rio Arte Alameda in Mex­ico City. The pavil­ion is made up of for­mal quotes from Mies van der Rohe’s 1929 Barcelona Pavil­ion, but trans­lated into ephemeral ma­te­ri­als and then “trop­i­cal­ized” with bright colours, art­works and a bris-soleil. One of the ra­di­at­ing walls of the pavil­ion formed a pro­jec­tion screen for the video Ciu­dad Mod­erna and an­other sup­ported a photo-mural. The pavil­ion, con­sis­tent with all the in­stal­la­tions in the ex­hi­bi­tion, was a de­lib­er­ate in­ter­ven­tion in the pre-mod­ern ar­chi­tec­ture of the Lab­o­ra­to­rio, which was built in 1596.


Doc­u­men­ta­tion: Pavil­ion views, pho­to­mural de­tails, ax­ono­met­ric


Ter­ence Gower, 2005

Wood, dry­wall, con­crete block, fur­ni­ture, car­pet, paint, and dig­i­tal photo-mural

20 x 6 x 2.8 me­tres

Pho­tog­ra­phy: Jorge del Olmo and Mag­dalena Franco



Text: Pro­jec­tion Pavil­ion


Re­lated Work: Ciu­dad Mod­erna